Our Strategy

Steps to Achieve Our Vision

Four years ago, more than 70 com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers con­tributed to the devel­op­ment of the first Ear­ly Child­hood Strate­gic Plan for Dal­las Coun­ty. The strate­gic plan, which was adapt­ed from a plan cre­at­ed by the Boston Con­sult­ing Group in con­junc­tion with Dal­las Inde­pen­dent School Dis­trict, out­lines key objec­tives and strate­gies for chil­dren from birth to 3rd grade and the adults who sup­port their healthy devel­op­ment to ensure every child has a sol­id ear­ly learn­ing foun­da­tion so they are read­ing on a col­lege-ready pace by 3rd grade.

North Star Goal

EMD North Star Image

Work­ing Groups

To acti­vate on these levers and achieve our ambi­tious goals for Dal­las Coun­ty stu­dents and fam­i­lies, Ear­ly Mat­ters Dal­las con­venes and aligns the fol­low­ing work­ing groups.

Kindergarten 1

Child Care Access and Quality

Welfare 1

Ben­e­fits Access and Con­tin­u­um of Care

Backpack 2

Pre‑K Enroll­ment


K‑3 Lit­er­a­cy


Teacher Pipeline and Quality


Out of School Time


Fam­i­ly Engagement


Social Emo­tion­al Learning

